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2020年4月14日 星期二

邊緣禁地藝術設定集 3 The Art of Borderlands 3 (無主之地3)

Hardcover: 224 頁
出版商:Insight Editions (2019年10月29日)
ISBN-13: 978-1683835714
產品尺寸: 23.5 x 2.3 x 30.5 cm

本書包含數百種動態概念藝術,其中包括全彩色圖像,這些圖像說明了無主之地團隊如何將游戲中比角色大的角色,廣闊的世界以及各種各樣的武器帶入生活。全面收集素描,繪畫,角色研究等內容,前所未有地體驗潘多拉(Pandora)的危險和獨特之美。獨家採訪創作《潘多拉》的藝術家和開發商, 是每個Vault Hunter的必備收藏者物品。

The Art of Borderlands 3 explores the creation and iconic design of Gearbox Software's award-winning hit video game series.
The Art of Borderlands 3 is a breathtaking celebration of Gearbox Software's critically acclaimed role-playing shooter video game series. Featuring hundreds of pieces of dynamic concept art, this book includes full-color images that illustrate how the Borderlands team brought the game's larger-than-life characters, expansive world, and diverse array of weapons to life. Experience the danger and distinctive beauty of Pandora like never before with this comprehensive collection of sketches, paintings, character studies, and more. Featuring exclusive interviews with the artists and developers who created Pandora, The Art of Borderlands 3 is a must-have collector's item for every Vault Hunter.

《邊緣禁地 3》是集合詼諧幽默、故事豐富、絕無冷場等要素於一身的銀河精彩大冒險,充滿多采多姿的角色、稀奇古怪的敵人,以及壯觀的頭目戰,還有數以億計的槍枝。在今天釋出的全新遊戲預告片裡,Gearbox 和 2K 展示了遊戲別出心裁、詼諧幽默與釀成混亂的爆炸性品牌特色。




