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2019年11月14日 星期四

The Katurran Odyssey: An Epic Adventure of Courage, Discovery, and Hope 作者Terry Whitlatch 惠特拉奇

Paperback: 188 頁
出版商:Design Studio Press; 2 版本 (2019年7月19日)
ISBN-13: 978-1624650437
產品尺寸: 27.9 x 1.9 x 25.4 cm

The Katurran Odyssey is an epic tale of faith, hope, and selfless heroism of a courageous young lemur named Katook, illuminated by the stunning illustrations of Terryl Whitlatch, one of the world’s most celebrated creature designers, and brought to dynamic life by the storytelling of author David Michael Wieger. Like such classic works of fantasy as J. R. R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings and C. S. Lewis’s Chronicles of Narnia, The Katurran Odyssey is set in a mythic world imbued with beauty, adventure, and transcendent imagination. Follow Katook as he faces great perils and marvels on his quest to save his family and his island home from the Long Winter. George Lucas calls the book “remarkably beautiful” and adds, “anyone who is lucky enough to spend time with The Katurran Odyssey will be richer for the experience.”

特麗爾•惠特拉奇(Terryl Whitlatch)


在美國加州藝術學院及舊金山藝術大學學習插畫后,惠特拉奇受聘為Lucas Art公司的大型游戲《異星搜奇》(The Dig)設計符合解剖學的生物形象,並為世界野生動物基金組織繪制動物插圖。

同時,她還繼續探索設計各種各樣的動物、生物及為娛樂行業設計人物形象,其中包括電影《勇敢者的游戲》(Jumanji)、《龍之心》(Dragon Heart)、《熊的傳說》(Brother Bear)、《貝奧武夫》(Beowulf)及舉世聞名的《星際大戰Ⅰ》(Star War: Episode Ⅰ)。

星際大戰 - 生物指南

我很喜歡的藝術家 Terry Whitlatch惠特拉奇
在2004年出版的插畫繪本 The Katurran Odyssey
由David Michael Wieger編劇,Terry Whitlatch插畫





