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2019年3月5日 星期二

Jesper Ejsing - Elsewhere / ELSEWHERE - Jesper Ejsing的幻想藝術

70,00 € tax incl.
Number of pages 408 / Weight (kg) 2,5
Height (cm) 28 / Width (cm) 21 / Thickness (cm)  2,8
Language English / French / Relased date 2019
Reference:  9791096315222

●ELSEWHERE - The fantasy art of Jesper Ejsing

On a sweet Christmas night of 1986, following in the glorious footsteps of voyager-artists from past centuries, Jesper Ejsing decided to go walkabout. Equipped with pencils and brushes (plus a shield and a long sword, because well, you never know…), he travelled to faraway lands, trailed through millennial forests, and dived to the bottom of the oceans. The most unexpected creatures have posed for him. Witness to thousands of epic battles, he has become a trove of legends. Some shall say the illustrations, which compose this collection, are pure figments of his imagination. But seriously, can you believe, an artist, as talented as he may be, could be a virtuoso to the point of dispensing with models? He has met each and every one of them: it’s a certainty!

So naturally, his drawings weren’t lost on a Cyclops’ gaze and all the great names of fantasy came running. This is how Jesper Ejsing’s paintings ended up illustrating Magic: the Gathering cards, Dungeons & Dragons books, games such as Runewars or Descent, and many more. Some shall say they were made to order, but let us leave the skeptics to their pathetic quibbles and dive without delay into this incredible road book. Adventure calls and awaits none!

Jesper Ejsing是一位自由丹麥藝術家,以過去15年來他一直在繪製幻想世界的插圖而聞名。

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